Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reach out during your work day.

There is a ancient Huna technique of staying connected with your love during time apart. It envolves spining energy out of your fingers to touch the person you desire. Much like the way spiderman spins his web out you send energy out to connect with your partner. When you believe and get use to this practice you can physically feel their presence. Connecting with their breathing and the feeling you get when you are actually with them. Try this the next time you have to get up early to go to work while your partner remains in bed. You can be there by connecting your energy through these webs.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Do chores together.

Want to spend more time together and less time doing chores? Make them a thing to do together. Spend time talking while washing dishes or chatting while you sort the clothes. Not only will you spend your time together the chores will get done a lot faster. Apply this technique to all your chores and soon you will not only be getting them done in record time. You will be becoming better friends in the process. Now you have more time for more romance and love time. This is a win win win situation for the two of you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Love is the answer!

We all have those times in our life where things are not going as well as they should. Our jobs suck, the kids are driving us crazy, our families are out of control what ever they problem you should always turn to your love for stability. Use your relationship with your partner as a grounding point. Turn to that love you have anytime something is bothering you or stressing you and soon the problem will pass. There is a special energy between two people in love that forms a protective barrier against painful and stressful situations. Use that energy to help guide you, do shy away from it saying you are to stressed or can handle love right now. That is a sure way to keep the stress around you. Use love and intimacy as a vitamin for your life. Love and intimacy give you the special feeling you need to put your problems into perspective and to get past them. I will be commenting more on this energy of love in future post because I think people look the wrong way when they need help. All the help you need is in your relationship and they love it holds for you. Look into you partners eyes and see how much safety there is in them.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Drink in the company

Often we forget how important our just being together is to our relationship. Our lives get busy and we soon find ourselves saying hi and goodbye at the same time. This time we spend together becomes one of the most important aspects for our relationship. Now with limited time together you have to squeeze in all the things couples need. Conversations, fun, excitement, romance, entertainment and sex just to name a few. This is what I am going to tell you and that is to "take time for each other" make exceptions. Don't go to that function or avoid getting on another committee. Use that time for your relationship and you will see your whole world become brighter.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Consider your time together when looking for a new job.

One thing that slips peoples minds when they are looking for a new job is the time lost for their relationship. You relationship needs to be considered during this process as much as anything else. I have seen countless amounts of people work opposite shifts to avoid child care costs. This is great for your finances but very bad for your relationship. Sometimes I understand it is unavoidable when you are just starting a new position. Look at the way your new position will effect your relationship before saying, yes to it. Will it put stress on your relationship? Will it allow you time to have together? When will you sleep compared to your partner? These are all valid questions that need to be addressed before you take a position. Can your relationship handle it if you new position calls for you to be gone a good portion of the week? There are countless questions that can arise. Money is an obvious concern for people in this economy, however a broken relationship might cost you more then you stand to make. Weigh all your options before deciding were to apply for jobs and start with the ones that mean the most to you. I am hoping that is the love you share with that special someone.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Love blooms beautiful when the seeds are planet right.

Love is the most beautiful thing on the face of the earth. However some people tend to take it for granted and soon weeds are growing in your bed of love. This can happen quietly over time and can disrupt your wonderful garden that at one time you were so attentive with. Now is the time to replant those seeds of love. Start doing little things that you did during the early stages of building your relationship. Open doors, get excited when your partner gets home from work, meet them with a kiss instead of bills or chores they need to get done and show them they are important. These simple little seeds as I call them are ways to improve and let your love take root again. Hold their hand at church, or just come up behind them and hug them are simple things that can stir feelings that might have gotten lost in the weeds. Give time to your relationship each day and make sure to devote yourself to doing this. Be with your love for a set amount of time taking care of things like, conversations, touching, expressing you love, intimacy, and just being present with each other. Don't allow outside influences to disrupt this time and soon your garden of love will start to flourish again. When in doubt of what to do think about what a real garden needs, sunlight and water. Go sit in the sun and enjoy each others company while conversing over a cool drink. Get near water go to a lake, take a picnic, or better yet take a shower together with the only purpose being to be naked and close to each other as you talk. Attending to your relationship like you would with your garden is a wonderful way to bring back that loving feeling.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Use a long drive for deep talks.

Long drives are normally tiring and boring for everyone, especially the one doing the driving. As a couple you can help each other out by saving some deep conversations for your drive. Be it that you are going on vacation or just have a long drive ahead of you. A great conversation not only keeps the driver alert but it also makes the trip seem shorter. If you are the one not driving make sure to bring up subjects that are interesting and fun to talk about for your partner. Ask for their opinion on things and see if you can hit a passionate nerve for them to speak about. The meaning of life, desires for the future, past experiences are just a few things you can start conversations about. As you get into deep conversation the miles seem to pass quite faster and you might even reach your destination a little more refreshed then you would have imagined. If you two are alone in the car it is a great time to talk about your relationship. Don't talk about things that anger you, we don't want a fight on our drive, but the good things in your relationship. Praise your partner as you proceed on your drive. We so often don't tell our partner how good they make us feel and this is a wonderful time to do it. Touch the drivers arm or leg from time to time to give that human touch that is so important and also stimulates their feeling of being loved. Switch drivers when needed but try to keep the conversation going. Nothing makes a drive longer then when everyone is asleep and the driver has nothing to do besides focus on driving. The road becomes longer, and the driver becomes uncomfortable and itching for some human interaction. Music and food can help but it is not near as fun or exciting as that wonderful conversation the two of you could be having.