Thursday, October 12, 2017

How To Tell How Nice Your Night Was...

What is the best sign of an amazing night?

A Messy Bed!

Get the covers all twisted up in your bed with this amazing book from Sexy Challenges.  Learn how you can make amazing love in a spiritual and metaphysical way.  Don't sacrifice the passion of life for a life of passion.   

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Orgasmic Yoga - A Couples Adventure

Orgasmic Yoga is an intimate way of stretching our capacity for pleasure. The premise is that an individual engages in solo sex or self-pleasuring for 30 minutes a day (with 30 days recommended as a suitable duration). Besides recommending 30 unique daily practices, this book will introduce you to seven tools to have a more ecstatic life: pelvic floor exercises, breath, sound, movement, touch, intention and fantasy.