Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Tattoo Story

Tattoos What Do They Say About You?

Tattoos once spoke to how bad ass you were, now they speak a much different language.  Tattoos now tell us a story of your life, the inner workings of your soul or just what you enjoy.  We use to talk about wearing our hearts on our sleeves now we just get our messages permanently on our body.  Sharing our journey in life on our arms, legs, backs and even faces for everyone to see and think about.  However, those tattoos that are on places hidden in more intimate spots tell a specific and sacred story to our partners.  They are the spaces that only are partners will be allowed (expect for the tattoo artist) to share our most intimate stories and desires.  

Keep your Sexy Tattoos working of you in Tattoo You 

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Couples Spot Classes

The Coupes Spot has just started putting classes up on Skillshare.  Now you can improve your relationship with these weekly class.  

This class is designed to bring the spark back into our relationship or to keep that spark firing in your relationship.  Many couples overlook the importance of your underwear in your relationship.  The choices you make for your underwear can drastically chance the energy in your relationship.  So check out this class and see how just getting rid of your old undies and brining in some new can really help your relationship thrive.  From sexy to comfortable you undies are ready to make a difference in your relationship.