Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lean Meals for Everyone


•Over 200 healthy, nutritious and tasty meal ideas.
•A wide range of recipes to suit everyone including vegans, vegetarians, meat eaters, intermittent fasters.
•Categorised calorie-based recipes and meal plans taking away the need to count calories.
•Simple descriptions interlaced with over 250 full-colour photographs and illustrations.
•An introduction to specific dieting regimes at the start of each section.
•A range of delicious hot and cold drinks you can consume whilst fasting.
•Foods and fluids you can consume to reduce bloating and excess water retention.
•10 of the most effective natural appetite suppressants.

Friday, January 1, 2021

The YOU Beyond You


The YOU beyond you: 

The Knowledge of the Willing

The YOU beyond you—A book that will change your perception of life. We always experience life through our subjective perceptions, built-up beliefs, and what we have been taught or told by others and seldomly stop to meditate on the reality which surrounds us.Most of our beliefs and perceptions today are nothing but a collection of misleading ideas due to the many blockages in our lives, that hinder to a great extent our understanding of our own reality.

This enlightened guide offers the reader a method to dissolve all that is acquired as bad habits, beliefs, and energies, which have been gathered through experiences and passive knowledge and unlocks a new dimension of reality based on its true mechanics and mode of action and based on concepts, principles, and givens never heard of before.“The YOU beyond you” contains the real secrets of life and how they operate within us and within our environment. A process that occurs right before our eyes yet mostly goes unseen due to the many obstructions in our lives.A must-read of at least once in a lifetime, for everyone who is willing to experience the real dimension of existence and go beyond the limited norms. 

The book contains the tip of the iceberg of life’s nature, on which one can use as a platform to unveil his full knowledge and his true potentials. No matter who we are or what our life goal is, our bad habits and unhealthy beliefs are the only reasons that trouble us in becoming the best versions of ourselves. In this book, you will embark on thorough research on how these bad habits and chaotic knowledge which are gathered through our lives get embedded in our life system and create a negative framework for our lives. 

You will also be set on an attitude that lets you consciously and unconsciously break free from these limitations and experience the true path where everything prospers.A guide for readers of all ages, helping them to rise to the level of their life goals. Written with the sole purpose of assisting the reader to understand how mind, body, and soul work within our environment and how these age-old beliefs and perceptions which we accumulated can be turned around, dissolved, or turned into a directed drive to flourish.Inspired by biological and psychological theories, ideas, and true-life experiences, this comprehensive guide provides you with an extraordinary life approach to reach new heights. 

The book will truly transform your life.After reading this book, you will be able to reflect on:•How a multitude of habits pollute our bodies.•How to overcome thoughts and ideas that frame our minds.•How to eliminate factors that destroy mental peace.•How to take control and improve ourselves and the environment around us for self-betterment.•How to experience the real secrets of life and understand how they operate.•How to be able to use these concepts to bind reality in your way.•How to reach spiritual awakening.

How to Crush Your Next Interview!


How To Crush Your Next Interview!:

A unique and proven step-by-step guide to beat the other candidates to win the position you want!

Are you worried about what to do in your upcoming interview? Do you want to prepare as much as possible, but are unsure what to do? If you are interviewing for a new job, or your first job, and want to give yourself the edge in today’s COVID-19 impacted world, this book is for you! This interview methodology has helped experienced and inexperienced people crush their interview and get the job offer they wanted. As an employee who has used this interviewing methodology, I have seen it work firsthand. I have also counseled numerous people, some with little experience, and have seen all of them win the jobs they were after. If you are willing to put in the work outlined in this eBook, you will differentiate yourself from the other people interviewing for the same position and substantially increase your odds of getting that job offer!


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Magick From Chaos to Clarity


Magick is all around us all the time!
This book is about bringing your magickal knowledge out of chaos and into the clarity, to make sure you know how to use it to the full potential.

Before you start telling me that I spelled Magick wrong, don’t. When you spell Magick with a “k” on the end you speak about magick in the actual correct way. Magic without the “k” refers to acts of illusion, like pulling a rabbit out fo a house or making a car disappear. Magick with a “k” is about creating good in our world and universe.  

Inside the book you will learn how to create, direct, and share magick. You will learn how you can work with magick individually, in small groups, large groups and the possibility of using in a world setting.  

You will learn the connection between love and magick as well as how intelligent magick actually is in our universe. You will tap into the power of magick and how the billions of people on this planet are creating magick all the time and are unaware they are doing.  

After consuming the information in this book your outlook on the energy of magick will be drastically changed. Magick is the most unlimited resource in our world. There is no limit to the magick we as humans can create and with this knowledge you will learn the ease in which you can create it.  

Are you ready to take a journey into the world of Magick? In all history you will find tales of Magickal feats many of which are considered myths. After reading this book you might have a different opinion on those myths.  

As a bonus for getting this book you will also gain access to a free class on creating Happiness Notes. A class showing you how you can brighten the day of the other human beings on this planet one person at a time.