Friday, August 8, 2014

12 Years Of Love And Adventure

One thing that I would wish for everyone is to have the love in your life that I am so lucky to have.  Today, Janelle and I have been married for twelve years.  I must tell you that our love just keeps getting stronger and stronger.  From our beginning to buying a business together, to losing everything, manifesting a move to Colorado and then moving from Denver to Colorado Springs , plus a million other special moments could not have happened without this wonderful and amazing woman in my life.  The beautiful part of it is that she just keeps giving more and more to me, she is always there to pick me up and dust me off and being within her arms is the safest place in the world. She has opened my eyes to the beauty not only of the world but way beyond that.  

To Janelle, words are not enough to express the love I have for you.  For it is a spiritual experience to love someone as wonderful as you!