Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Way to Read Fortune Cookies

If you really want to know how to read fortune cookies you have to put the words, "In Bed" to the end of the fortune.  This also make a fun event when you are with several other people and everyone reads their fortune out loud with the "In Bed" Section at the end.  

FREE Book to help Make Your Fortunes Come True

Monday, June 29, 2020

Vampire Weekend

Vampire Weekend

There is a sexy aura around the concept of vampires. The danger, the taboo, the dark and unknown can be quite exciting. As your adrenaline kicks in and your heart races, your senses are sharpened and your passion can reach to new heights. With Vampire Weekend you and your lover can create and experience these sensations first hand.

Click here to get Vampire Weekend on Amazon Kindle

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