Saturday, September 20, 2014

Couples In Small Beds Are Not Closer

A twin bed can be fun for a couple,  until you really want some sleep.

A surprising number of married couples sleep in separate beds and separate rooms so what is it that makes an empty bed more appealing than the thought of snuggling up with your loved one? For most people it would be the idea that they could stretch out as much as they would like, kick, flail or roll over if they want to without the fear of disturbing their partner, read in bed with the light on until the early hours of the morning without worrying about someone and not having to fight over the covers but isn't marriage about compromise?
Couples really shouldn't be resorting to separate beds because one snores or their sleeping patterns are slightly out of sync, instead they should be finding ways to rectify these problems or ways to learn to live with them. If your partner has a habit of stealing the covers during the night, leaving you shivering and annoyed, the simple solution is to buy a larger duvet and if this in itself doesn't work, trying tucking the duvet into your side of the bed so they physically can't pull the whole lot over to their side.
There are remedies for snoring including strips to stick across the bridge of the nose which open the airways and even a better and more supportive pillow can help, keep the spine straighter and allowing for maximum airflow. As for a partner who moves a lot at night, why not try buying long thin sausage pillows or covering a draft excluder in a soft material and putting it down the middle of the bed, this should help with associated disturbance and may also only need to be a temporary measure as it may encourage the kicker to break the habit.
The most obvious solution to many of the annoyances which force couples apart in the bedroom is to buy a bigger bed; being squashed up at night will inevitably lead to one disturbing the other, being too hot, not able to move freely or simply wanted to have your own space are all issues associated with a small bed. Double beds or king size beds will allow you to spread out without causing any disturbance to your partner and it's always nice to bring a bit of luxury into your life. Having said that, bigger beds do not have to cost a fortune so it's worth shopping around to find one that suits your sleeping habits and your bank balance.
With a huge range of great value double beds and single beds available online, why not buy today and get the night's sleep you've always dreamed of at a price which won't break the bank?

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Funny Sexy Prank Anyone Could Pull Off

Here is a funny little prank that can really catch people off guard.  

Remember Spin The Bottle?  Well now it is new and improved

Give the age-old game of Spin the Bottle a new twist with this Sexy Challenge. Can you control where the bottle will be pointing when it stops spinning? Can your lover? Amazing and spicy experiences can transpire for the two of you when you take your turn at spinning your very own proverbial bottle. This challenge offers you a variety of new ways to experience a game you may likely have played in your youth. Give it a whirl and enjoy some excitingly new intimate play with your sweetheart. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How Does Smell Affect Your Intimate Relationship?

We often thing about how smells enhance sex.  Wonderful scents like vanilla or cinnamon can really get things heated up and very sexy.  However, what about those smells that would take away from the sexual experience.  Smells that are not pleasing can be a real turn off.  Body Order is a major one that can take away from the moment but there are others that can do it also.  It is interesting to find out what smells people find sex.  Some enjoy cologne or perfume while others enjoy the natural smell of their partners body. 

We would love to hear from you as to what you feel is a sexy smell and what you consider a smell that detracts from sex? 

 Email us at 

See more on how smells affect your intimacy by picking up a copy of our Sexy Challenge called, MOODS.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Robbing Your Piggy Bank

Many couples don't have a emergency fund set up and when those emergencies come up they find themselves dipping into their savings.  Many of us set up funds for vacations or holiday spending but very few of us set up funds for those emergencies.  So when the washing machine breaks down instead of going to the emergency fund we take it from our vacation or holiday funds.  Do yourself a favor and start an emergency fund today.  Even if your only putting a dollar a week into it, that will still be a dollar towards those emergencies that will come up from time to time.  


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