Friday, March 2, 2018

The Art of Dating

The Beauty of Art In Your Relationship

The Art In Museums is a date night waiting to happen.  If you have been married 50 years or on your first date a museum is a wondrous place for every date.  Plenty to witness and enjoy plus it gives you plenty of time to sit and talk.  Conversation is amazing in a place filled with such amazing energy.  The nice part is that with changing exhibits every time you go to a museum you are going to see something new and amazing.  That is why the Museum is one of my favorite places for a date night or day.  My friend Pablo Picasso who painted the above art things so also. 

Peace and love,

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

You Had Me with Your Smile

The Smile

One thing that tells me more than anything about a person is their smile.  It might seem unfair but the first thing I notice about anyone is their smile.  I am drawn to an amazing smile.  It doesn't matter if it is a love interest, a friend, or just a business partner.  For me they have to have a true and authentic smile.  To me it is a key to success in business, life and love.  So if you want to get my attention the first thing you have to do is flash me that smile of yours.  So that is my advice for anyone looking for a new friend, a business partner or a possible lover make sure you check out their smile first.  

Improve your Relationship Today By Speaking Kind Words - This book will Help get you started.