Saturday, July 11, 2020

Romantic things That Make Girls Melt

Romantic things That Make Girls Melt

Now remember each amazing woman out there is unique so these might now work for all women but it can help give you some ideas. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Magick In Your Smile

When you Smile

You share so much with the world.  You share the energy inside you and start a chain reaction of happiness.  From a simple smile so much can benefit in the world. So maybe you should brush twice today, this way that smile will go a long way.  

Count how many people you see smiling as you go throughout your day, then add one to it for the one on your face.  

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Book for Break Ups

This book is not meant to bash men but simply to empower other women as I 
learn to take my power back.

So many times we give so much of ourselves in a relationship only to leave with nothing left.

I wrote this book of poetry to inspire you as life has inspired me.

We have to start expecting more out of the relationships that we choose to be in.

No matter what we deserve to be respected as a woman, a wife, a sister, a mother, a daughter, and even as a girlfriend. 

You deserve so much more,
You are worth so much more,
You deserve to experience a love like never before and you should know that until that love finds you it’s ok to walkaway from anything less than what your heart desires.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Band To Watch - Sports Team

Sports Team - Fishing

We want to introduce you to an up and coming band we are finding most awesome.  Check out there video for Fishing and let us know what you think!

Brought to your by the Music Lover that Writes Sexy Challenges