Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lovers / Night

The Lovers - by Pablo Picasso
Being lovers at night encompasses all thing intimate.  Be it your sexual activity or just snuggling up and touching each other.  Sex is an important part of any committed relationship it is one part of the fuel that fires the engines.  However being close and touching each other is just as important.  The lack of touch brings distance between couples and distance is not a good thing.   During this night time touch your partner caress them massage them and close that distance.  This night time is also the time to throw yourself into your partners arms and be a little animalistic in your desire for each other.  Find your rhythm in being lovers at night and soon you will find it comes easier and easier.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Partners / Night

Take your meeting to the table don't do them in your bedroom.
Being partners at night is a good time to do your planning.  Setting goals for the future and going over the finances are always a great thing to do together.  During this time in the evening you can do things like make a budget together, plan or assign chores for both of you and discuss issues that need attention.  Have a meeting for these topics, sit at the table and converse about them in an open and caring manner.  These planning and action steps will help to strengthen your relationship and allow things to flow in a much better manner.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Friends / Night

You can be best friends in a relationship.
Being friends can continue into the late evenings.  You can watch movies together or one of my favorite things to do is spend the evening talking.  I love to converse with my friend about things into the wee hours of the morning.  They can be about anything and everything and yet sometimes they are just remembering the past memories the two of you have shared.  Again just hanging out together and being present with each other is a wonderful thing.  Go take your friendship to the next level and see if you relationship can also be a best friend relationship.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lovers / Day Time

Daytime Lovers are healthy lovers.
Being lovers during the day time is sometimes a little difficult for people.  However you can improve it by just thinking about how you would like to have your lover treat you.  If you can find time for a little intimate play during the day that is great.  However most people work and have children to deal with during the day so making a sexual connection during the day is almost out of the question.  However you can start setting the mood for intimacy during the day.  Send you partner a sexy text message, or leave a sexy note in their underwear drawer.  Kiss them passionately as you leave for work and tell them there is more to come later.  The best way to be a lover during the day is to build anticipation for later in the evening.  Couples is a strong love/sex life have been proven to live longer and have better health.  So where does your love/sex life stand can you improve it?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Partners / Day Time

A good partnership is more than a handshake. 
Being partners in a relationship is sharing all the joys and hassles.  When you have a good partnership in the daytime you take turns doing things like taking the kids places, doing chores, and working on the finances.  It is important that you are both involved in as much as possible in this partnership.  Don't expect your partner to do all the chores or all the finances without your help.  Having a good partnership where you can count on each other and make decisions together is how you make your relationship solid.  50/50 is how you should feel about your relationship so start balancing it out now are you holding up your end?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Friends / Day Time

Do things together that you would do with your other friends.  
Being friends is an important part of being in a relationship.  You daytime friendship can include things like having lunch together, or just hanging out together.  To build your friendship during the day time look for things you can do together that you would with your other friends.  Things like going to ballgames, exercising, shopping or even just plopping down and talking.  When you daytime friendship is working well you will benefit all the aspects of your relationship. We all need our individual time but being friends is part of a relationship that can be the base of your relationship pyramid.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Series of Posts Friend/Partner/Lover day and night.

The next six post are going to be a series of post based on three aspects of your relationship.  These aspects are being friends, partners, and lovers.  We will look at all three as they are shaped in your day and night relationships.  My goal is to have you looking at your relationship in each of the three ways all the time.  Please feel free to chime in and give us your opinion, without it I only have my feelings to go on.