Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Relationships 2.0

Renowned psychologist and relationship therapist Dr. Antonio Borrello and his ex-wife, psychologist Dr. Theresa Pavone, have officially codified their exhilarating and sometimes-frustrating experiences in the new digital world of dating in a new book, Relationships 2.0.

After three years of navigating the tumultuous “new world” of online dating, Antonio and Theresa did what any divorced couple would do – they joined forces to share the ultimate dating hacks they had learned. This unlikely duo has written a revolutionary new book, Relationships 2.0. To get the book published and into the hands of anyone who could benefit from it, they urge readers and supporters everywhere to back their Kickstarter campaign and win a free copy for themselves.

Bringing a unique relationships perspective never shared before, Relationships 2.0 will enable anyone to understand difficult dating or relationship situations and the changes necessary to improve their relationships.
To get a free copy of Relationships 2.0, visit the Kickstarter campaign.

Pillow Sutra Modern Living Ancient Text

The ancient Kama Sutra text focuses on four main goals in life. Eroticism and pleasure are only one of those four. Few people know this. Sexy Challenges has incorporated these four main goals into a unique and beautiful scenario meant for lovers in Pillow Sutra. Share a pleasure-filled experience while deepening the bond between you and reaching towards the ultimate goals of the Kama Sutra together. 

Get Pillow Sutra On the Following Plat forms.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Say It With A Love Shirt - Just In Time For Valentines Day!

This is a 'positive word heart' t-shirt that is a perfect Valentine's Day gift for yourself or a loved one. The words are all verbs and are intended to be a 'call to action' if you will. There are only 6 more days left to order so that the t-shirts could arrive in time for Valentine's Day.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Couples Spot Encourages You To Be Role Models

Listen in to this episode of Mission Date Night as see how you can become role models to other couples that view your relationship.