Thursday, June 18, 2009

Snack Well

Part of being a couple is taking care of each other. We look out for our partner because we want them to be around as long as possible. Well one thing you can do to help them out is for both of you to Snack Well, together. It is so much easier when the both of you watch how you snack.

Start this out by going to the store together. Choose snacks that are healthy and skip the aisle that would tempt you. Choose alternative to some of your favorite items such as ice cream, candy, and chips. If you look closely you can find replacements that are similar with less fat and more nutrition in them. The simple fact of the matter is if you don't have it in your house you won't eat it. Late night cravings will be put to rest if you don't have the tub of ice cream in the freeze. If you must have that frozen delight choose sherbet or frozen yogurt instead. Be supportive of each other and remind each other how much healthier you will be by eating things like carrots, bananas, and apples.

Thing about it this way. Eating better will increase you livelihood. You will feel better and have more energy to do things. Eating well also helps with stress and improving your body image. People who eat well have better sex and more frequently enjoy intimacy. So eating healthy will improve your energy, self esteem, over all health, mental attitude, and your sex life. Why are we all not eating better?

Clicking on the title of this post will take you to a website dedicated to showing you healthy snack options.

Photo courtesy of programwitch from flickr creative commons.

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