Sunday, July 12, 2009

Play a game while not together

Here is a cute little thing to do if you can't be together. Maybe your at a conference or at work and you want to stay connected with your partner. Play a little game using your cell phones text messaging feature. The easiest way to do this is to text each other trivia questions. Grab some cards from your trivial pursuit game and take turns asking each other questions. This game can go on for hours and don't expect immediate responses. Type in your questions and when your partner gets a chance they will try to answer. If they guess right then it is their turn to type in the next question. If they get it wrong you have to reply with the correct answer and then they type the next question. Again this is a fun way to stay connected when you are apart. It doesn't tie you down or take much of your time. You just use short messages and leave it at that until you can check your phone again.

Any games with cards with questions on them will do. I mentioned trivia pursuit earlier, you could also use What Would you Do, or one of my favorites is "Loaded Questions" They even have similar game as iPhone applications that can give you several questions to ask. Your partner will feel great that you are thinking about them while you are apart. You can click on the title post to take you to the loaded questions web site to pick up one of their games. Make sure to tell them that The Couples Spot sent you. Make sure to check out the Adult Version of Loaded Questions shown above.

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