Saturday, August 1, 2009

Throw your troubles in the lake!

Sometimes in our everyday life we get bogged down with our troubles. We focus on them and let them consume us. Well today I want the two of you to go out to the local lake, stream, or ocean and toss those troubles into the water. Sound like I have lost my marbles?????? Seriously what I want you to do is go out and get some sharpie makers and head to your local body of water. Upon arriving, search the bank or shore of several good sized rocks. Now both of you sit down and write on the rocks you troubles or concerns, that are bothering you currently. Once you have completed that, gather up all the stones and read what is written on the rock and then toss it as far as you can into the water! There your trouble is gone, and you should be feeling better. No this is not a magical event it is just letting your mind let go of these problems for a bit and by doing that you might get a more clear idea of how to get rid of your problems. After all this before you get ready to leave gather up some more rocks and write things on them that you are thankful for. Take these home with you and put them in a safe place. Then the next time you are feeling down pull them out and share them with your partner. I am sure it will bring a smile to your face.

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