Thursday, August 6, 2009

Visualize the Good!

As a couple sometimes we forget to think about all the good things that are in our relationship. We focus or fight about things like bills, work or other problems in our relationship.

When is the last time you set down and talked about the good things in your relationship? What about how great the kids are or how special it was when he bought you flowers the other day?  Maybe she massaged your tense shoulders during the evening.

I am banking on the fact that your relationship has many things to be grateful for. Together you need to sit down and talk about or visualize all the great things the next time you have a fight. No, this won't make your problems go away, but it just might put them in the right perspective.

Always end your night visualizing things your partner does that you feel are wonderful and you will likely wake in the morning with a smile on your face.

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