Sunday, October 4, 2009

His or Her stress? In a relationship you both share the stress.

Does your partner seem to get stressed rather easily? How does it effect your relationship, are you unable to do things because your partner is to stressed, does it effect their mood and or their demeanor. Does the stress level your partner feels mirror into your relationship? Well simply put their is no way to avoid the stress of your significant other, you are the person that will get the brunt of it. Hopefully you understand this even though it is tough to stomach at times.

When people are stressed they tend to dwell on the object or situation that causes them the stress. As their partner anything that you can do to help them avoid thinking out this item the better. There are several web sites out there with suggestions on how to combat stress and I would suggest you reading up on it. If you are the partner that seems to handle stress better then you might be able to help them out by diverting their attention away from the stress. Things such as taking walks, getting outside on beautiful days are great ideas. Find some activities to enjoy and make sure they participate. Starting an exercise program is not only beneficial in the reduction of stress but it is also great for your health. Looking at what you eat can also help in the battle with stress. Massages are a wonderful way to help the person you love cope with their issues. Sex is another great option as it brings you closer and burns stress away quickly. Many people say that they get to stressed for sex and yet sex is a great way to let go of stress, so fight through that initial urge to pass and realize that it might just be the best way for your partner to help you battle the stress monster.

Making the stress disappear completely is most likely not an option in most cases. We can only do so much and usually the stress isn't something you can just defuse quickly. Helping them cope with the problems and getting it out of their minds is the next best thing you can do if you love them. Help them breath in the fresh air, and see that all this will pass.
Click on the title of this post to view a list of stress reducers.

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