Sunday, October 18, 2009

Time to break out the Flannel?

We all know that flannel is warm and is great to snuggle it but is it sexy? Flannel sheets can add a great deal of warmth your bed, thus making it great to get under the covers with you lover. Flannel nightgowns have forever been linked to women that do not want to be touched or invaded during the night. You can however change this image of flannel, by simply changing your attitude and your partners. Men you can get some flannel boxer that feel great on your body and great when you lover puts their hands all over them. Women you might have to do a little research but you can find sexy flannel pajamas. You have to do a little work and make sure not to get them in a larger size then you need. I believe that the size is what make flannel PJ's unsexy and not the material. Most women I see wearing these type of PJ's have them large and bulky, but if they are tighter and show a little more of your curves I think just the opposite. If they bulky ones are all you have then slip a little something else on under the flannels to surprise you partner with once they get you in bed. Think of the look on their face as the unbutton your flannels only to find a sexy pair of panties and bra underneath. The pictures on this page are from She She Pajamas and you can google their name to find more sexy flannel PJ's.

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