Sunday, November 22, 2009

Adjusting Schedules

It would be nice if everything worked out perfectly each and every day, but only in fantasy land does that happen. In real life kids and adults get sick, cars break down, supper burns and millions of other things can happen each and every day. Being a successful couple means that you are well ready to adjust to these changes and challenges that happen each and every day. There are times, where you have to rely on your partner for the adjustments to the changes but it needs to be a 50-50 split on these overall. You can't expect you partner to always stay home with the sick child nor can you expect you partner to miss an important day of work. Balance is what you need and by inspecting and analysing the situations as the arise and seeing which of the two of you is better able to handle the challenge. Once you begin looking at these things as they happen you will be able to take them in stride without even seeming like they disrupt your day. This is just one of the great ways that being a couple is an amazing thing and why most people want to be part of a great relationship.

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