Saturday, December 26, 2009

Getting back to Life.

December 26th the day after Christmas and it is time to start getting your life back to normal. The last few weeks you have probably spend shopping and cooking for the holidays and now that the big day is over you should have more time to relax or get things done you have been meaning to do. Don't you wish that Christmas could last all year long at least the feeling of it. To capture this feeling of Christmas a little longer as you start to take down all you decorations make an event of it like you do setting them up. Plan a date to take down the decorations, maybe new years day, and make a little celebration of it play Christmas music, make a special meal to enjoy packing away your Christmas things. Spend the day being with the person you love and if you think about it hold back a Christmas present to give them after all the decorations are put away and stored. By doing this and making a celebration of it we are trying to keep that feeling of Christmas inside our relationship for the entire year. If everyone was as compassionate and caring as they are during the holidays we would see a huge difference in the world around us. As a couple however the main focus you want to put into this is that special feeling you get from being with your partner during the holidays. How did you react when you got your favorite gift? Shouldn't we be that happy with our partner all the year long, when they do the little things like take out the trash or do the dishes. Sometimes we forget how truly special the person we are with is, Christmas helps remind us of that, but why should we wait until Christmas to reward them?

Click this post title to find some great tips on storing your Christmas decorations.

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