Monday, December 7, 2009

Make sure when you partner wakes up on Christmas they are just as excited as when they were a kid.

Remember the wonderful feeling when you were a kid and you woke up on Christmas morning. You would run out of bed with your feet barely hitting the floor. Now we might not be able to get each other that excited about Christmas but you can make it a fun festive day for the two of you. If you have any children in the house you shouldn't have any problem. Watching them is excitement enough. If you don't have any children in the house then you need to make plans to have a wonderful day together. Get up early and make a wonderful breakfast together. Then Shower and slip into some warm comfy clothing and exchange gifts. Then you have the rest of the day to enjoy. Maybe a nice walk on Christmas day would be good or relaxing with some hot cocoa might be your thing. If your social creatures invite some friends over to play board games or watch movies. The point of the day is to make it special not like all the other days of the year. Make sure to set some time for the two of you to get a little closer during this wonderful day, make love, snuggle, and sleep in each others arms. Now that my friends is a very Merry Christmas.

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