Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sharing your dreams!

Now that you are a couple one thing you are going to have to share is your dreams. What ever your passion or desire in life you are going to have to share that with the person that is going to be with you the whole time. With all this comes great responsibility, as you must take just as much care with your partners dream as with your own. The last thing you want to do is squash something your partner feels passion for. Even if you feel that the dream is out of the question you need to still be an active figure in helping them. If you partner does have a passion that is very attainable then you need to be the rock to help them reach the level they need to reach that dream. Support, concern, and a helping hand can bring your bond so much closer as they achieve their dream. Do all you can to help out and become the team that all great relationships become. On the other side make sure to show appreciation for your partner when they help you in trying to reach your dreams. Don't take them for granted and always return their help with a heart felt gesture. Achieving your dreams are great but they are even more special with someone who loves you.

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