Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Morning, now let's stretch.

Stretching is one of the lost arts in our society. I am not talking about warming up before you get ready to work out. I am talking about when you wake up and get your body woke up. Within your relationship stretching should be like saying good morning to each other. You should take a couple of minutes and push your body into stretches to loosen up the joints and muscles that have been pretty much dormant during the night. It is therapeutic to your body and gets your blood pumping right from the start of your day. Plus it feel really good to get a great stretch in your body. Watch babies and animals when they first wake up. Can your picture your dog stretching out or your cat arching their back. Babies do this quite often as they work their bodies out form being in the womb for 9 months. Take the cue from these natural signs that stretching is good for you. Now don't let your partner get out of bed tomorrow without stretching and gving your a big hug.

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