Saturday, June 12, 2010

Read something that inspires you.

Reading is one of the best things you can do. Not only for yourself but for your relationship, also. Once a month pick a book that either has something to do with an added area of your relationship or a self help type of book. Not that you have to follow the suggestions of the book word for word or make a complete lifestyle change. However I am sure you can find bits and pieces of the book that you might enjoy in your life. Things like tantric practices, building self esteem, ways to improve conversations, are great ideas when you are searching for books. If you are on a budget you can find older book in bargain bins or has lots of books that basically you purchase for a penny and just pay the shipping and handling on. Click on our amazon side bar and find a book that is just right for you. What I like about amazon is their search feature. Just type in a suggestion and you will soon have thousands of books to choose from. Your library is another option but in my dealings with our local library is that they tend to shy away from books about things having to do with sex, and or relationships issues. If you have lots of friends that read you can even start a book co-op where you all purchase a book then put it into the community for anyone to read after you finish it. By reading different things we keep our minds open to things the might really help our relationship down the line or at the current time. You can either read the book together or apart. If you are reading a book leave it out so that your partner can see what you are reading. This act alone will spark some conversations that might get you both thinking a little differently.

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