Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuck em in!

It may sound a little silly but you need to tuck in your partner if they are the first one to go to bed. I know in my relationship my partner enjoys going to bed much earlier than I do. I enjoy staying up til the wee hours of the morning. My partner has tried this with me but it is just not to their liking. I have tried going to bed at the same time as my partner and it disrupts my whole day and night. In an effort to compromise each night that I am home, when my partner heads off to bed. I follow in like I am going to sleep with them I get in bed and spend at least 15 minutes with them as they fall asleep. This might seem a little strange but it gives us the bond at night time I hate to call it tucking them in but that is what is seems like. It is just that little security that comes from falling asleep with your partner. Once I feel like my partner is comfortable I quietly slip out of the room and continue my night. Spending those 15 minutes together in the peace of the night has made a wonderful routine for our relationship. Try it if you don't have matching sleeping styles it just might be what your relationship needs.

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