Friday, August 13, 2010

The couple that struggles together learns to overcome obstacles.

Obstacles are part of everyday life. How we handle them shapes our personality as well as our relationship. Do you shy away from struggles with you partner or do you hold his/her hand and face them together. Some of the best love stories have been about a couple that struggles together and then together achieves their dreams. Yet we se so many couples split up with the waters get a little rough. Facing these storms at sea while holding on to each other gives your relationship strength beyond measure. Sure their are times that the two of you will think there is no way out of your problems, but that is when you have to hold each other even tighter. Financial struggles seem to be the worst for some reason for couples it makes sense to me to stand together and battle these financial woes then for one of you to turn and run. Heck their are lots of things you can do together as a couple that are free to help get through you financial struggles. Heck making love is free and a lot of fun. Walks, talks and sight seeing are tremendous activities for couples to enjoy that don't cost a thing. So when struggles hit your relationship take each others hands and hold tight. The storm will pass and it will pass faster if your bond is strong.

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