Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just drop it all and go to dinner

Have you ever had a day when the kids are driving you nuts your stuck in the house and you are ready to just loose it? I am sure most of us have had those days. It's not like we don't love our kids or that the stress of life is really that different then any other day. It's just a break down in strength. When this happens you need to fall back on your relationship to pick you up. This is important to get you a babysitter for the evening and go to dinner with your favorite adult, your partner. Go to a place where the two of you can have adult conversation and make sure it never enters into what is going on at home. Talk about politics, investments, movies, or anything else that grown ups talk about. This is specially needed for the man/woman that stays at home and takes care of the children and the house. That is a stressful job in it's self and sometimes you need a few hours off to recharge your batteries. Plan these escapes regularly and you might just see an improvement in the whole cycle. Honor those that take care of the important things at home they are truly a blessing.

1 comment :

  1. OH, I definitely agree! Sometimes my husband and I were only able to sneak out for coffee, but the break was what we needed. and the connection. We also try to have a "date night" once a week.
