Saturday, February 19, 2011

Listen with more than your ears.

Photo from Creative Commons
            Sometimes we listen, but don't really absorb the information we are given.  You know how it works - you hear the words, but they become “blah blah blah” once you process them into your mind.  The words are there.  We hear them, but maybe because we are cooking supper or the kids are interrupting we don't hear the true meaning behind the words.  I want to suggest a time to listen.  Pick a time at the end of the day to share or discuss things that are important.  This way you have no interruptions and you can listen with not only your ears, but also your eyes, mind, and heart.   You can hear the true meaning of what is being said not just the words. You can feel how the words are spoken and the passion with them.   During this time put away your cell phone, turn off the computer, and take you iPod earbuds out of your ears.  The time has come to listen and only if you listen with your entire body will you understand the importance and the feeling behind what is being said.   Listening is more than just hearing it; it is understanding, feeling and sharing those words with your partner. 

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