Monday, October 31, 2011

Honey, I Have a Headache

Recently, I was sitting at lunch with a group of my closest friends when one of the men said something like, “Women can multi-task. Right?” to the women. We responded with smiles and, “Yes, of course.” Then he asked, “Then why can’t they have sex and a headache at the same time?”

This certainly wasn’t where I thought the conversation was going in the beginning. I shared that my dear hubby likes to suggest to me that it will relieve my headache – if I have one. We further shared with my dear friend that it truly becomes a choice and depends on how bad the headache is.

Photo by Julia Britvich

I have thought further on this idea and now want to be more mindful the next time this happens to me. What do I have a headache from? Stress? Too many things on my agenda? Worried about others? Not taking time for me? Can love-making really relieve that particular headache by producing enough feel-good hormones and release enough stress? And, then there is the Divine connection that can occur during love-making – that can take away much suffering.

The point being – next time you just don’t feel like doing “it” consider why instead of just curling up under the blankets and going to sleep. You may be surprised by what comes to you.

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