Monday, November 28, 2011

In the Midst of Chaos Be Present

You are running here and there, the phone is ringing, your list of errands is growing, the dog is barking and begging to go for a walk, your teenager is playing the drums, and you can't find your car keys.

STOP!! Are you being present? Or, are you just running around like a chicken with its head cut off? Take a breath and be in the moment. Answer the phone if you can, pat the dog and in a soothing voice tell him you will take him out soon, listen for a moment to what your teenager is playing, and your car keys will show up soon enough. And, if your youngest comes to stand in front of you covered in paint, take a good look at the beauty of the "artwork".

You and only you can choose how to react to events in your life. A dear friend recently shared a quote with me, "You own your emotions, your emotions do not own you." So, take control :)

Photos by: Maya Kruchancova & Christophe Ursitti

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