Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Soda Police

Okay, one of my biggest things I need to change is drinking soda.  We all know it is not good for us and yet we continue to drink it.  You can team up with your partner to decrease the amount of soda you drink.  Make a pact with each other to control the amount of soda you and your partner drink.  Become the Soda Police and keep a tight eye on how much soda you consume.  If you drink different kinds of soda, let the other person hide your soda.  If you can find it, then you can have some.  Of course, you can always ask for a can.  At least when it is out of sight you will be less likely to drink it.

Set a limit to the number of sodas you can have a day and both of you stick to it.   Find other items to drink while the soda police has your soda in custody.  Water, juice (100% - no refined sugars added), and some teas are better options.  Eventually, you will find yourself feeling better once you get over the hump of "needing" soda.

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  1. I drink a lot of soda so this is a very good idea....

  2. yea but what if u don't drink much soda?????!!!!!!
