Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Spark You Seek Is Always With You!

I hear so many people talk about the spark and they need to find it.  That spark could be missing in their basic life, sexual relationship, or their spirituality.  The problem is they are looking for it all over the place.  Lifting up the cushions on the couch, in the cabinets or in answers from others.  They just don't realize that that spark is inside them and it is just bursting to come out.  For some reason they keep a cap on it.  Be it ego or that feeling that someone else's answer must be better keeps them from letting that electricity flow out of them.

Understand that you have great power and all that you need inside of you.  You have the power to spark everything in your life.  You are special and when you know it everyone else will feel it. -Rob

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