Wednesday, February 22, 2012

They'll Never Make It in Time!

These are two firemen in Germany!  Holy cow!!  I hope they aren't on a fire run.  They will never make it in time.  Where is the ladder?  Where is the hose?  For that matter, where is the water?

I have no idea what these two were actually up to, but maybe they decided they needed a break from all the hectic run, run, run.  So, they grabbed their fire-engine red bicycles and took off on a leisurely ride -- in their fire gear!  I guess they are semi-prepared.

So, how can I relate this crazy post to relationships today?  Hmmm.....

Leaving behind the screaming sirens (all the noise that fills our lives - sometimes coming from our kids), taking it slow - yet getting exercise, and moseying along a quiet path together.  Sounds pretty good if you take it out of context.  So leave the stress and your troubles behind (yet, stay somewhat prepared -- i.e. your fire suit) and go spend some time alone with your partner.  If it has been a while since you have spent "alone time" together, things just might heat up and you just might start a fire ;-)


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Photo by © jörn buchheim -

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