Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do You Know This About Him/Her?

If there was one thing in the world your partner could change, what would it be?  Do you know?  Have you ever asked him/her?

For that matter, do you know what your answer would be to such  question?

Asking this question of your partner shows him/her that you really care about his/her deepest desires, most heartfelt passions.  So, start a conversation with the one you love and find out.

Loving all,

Photo by alpha spirit from fotolia.com


  1. Hi Janelle,

    Well for me as long as you love that someone you should accept him for what is his worst :D


    1. I think that sometimes, yes, I would agree with you, but there are deal breakers that we should all have in place. We should take into account what is best for everyone...both partners and kids, if there are any.

      Acceptance is a huge aspect of successful relationships. Just don't accept everything :)

      With love,

  2. I want her to become a better person.

    1. I don't know your situation or anything about either of you, but I do know that we can't change other people. We can only change ourselves; therefore, that is where it starts. I want to be clear that I went through a divorce about 11 years ago. I couldn't change my partner, but I changed me. In that particular instance it meant I finally had the courage to leave, but sometimes changing ourselves can bring about amazing changes in our partners as well. As with any relationship, Rob and I have had our rough spots, but we have made changes in ourselves over the years and that has made all the difference. :)

      My question today is - what can you do to support her in becoming a better person?

      With the utmost respect dear one,

  3. I think it is not to change but to stop. Stop/quit smoking, drinking alcohol, casino/all kinds of betting. It is hard to raise a son to be a good person if the first role model he's gonna look up to has been doing all those bad vices and habits. These are the things that I just couldn't accept the moment I became a mother. I just want the best for my son. That's all, is it too much to ask? :)

  4. I want him to change his hairstyle. He has this habit of just letting his hair and beard grow. It doesn't even look neat or attractive at all. It is just plain annoying and dirty to look at.
