Sunday, October 26, 2014

Yes A Couple Can Have An Ego

This couple only looks like their relationship is cold. However their couples ego is warm as could be.

We all have an ego all of our own. Be it arrogant or not we all have to deal with it from time to time. My question is however do we have a ego as a couple? Do we see our relationship as different from other peoples be it better or worse. If we do have an ego on our relationship, how do we handle it together. Is it one specific ego that forms from our union or is it a combination of both of our personal egos? We all have the image of a perfect relationship and sometimes we pick a couple that we feel is the ideal couple to base that feeling on. Have you ever left a place and said to each other "Wow they are a great couple" thinking that they have it all together. However we don't know how the respond to each other when they are alone. On the surface they might seem like the couple of amazing relationships but it could all be a front. Their couples ego might be that they have to act like the most amazing couple in front of others. But, when they get behind closed doors it might be quite the opposite. I am sure that you have had contact with a couple that seems like out of the blue they are getting divorced. It shocks you and you think, "Wow they were a really happy couple" but maybe you were just baffled by their couples ego or the image it put forth. I guess what I am trying to tell you is to not let your relationship ego get disillusioned by what you view as the great relationship. Work from the stand point of making your relationship the best it can be for the two of you and let the other relationship egos fend for themselves.

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