Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me! - Share the love

If you can't tell by the title line today is my birthday. I love celebrating birthday and it doesn't matter if it's mine or my wife's or our kids. I love making the cakes, hoping to get the right gifts. It's just all so exciting to me. I think the main reason for this feeling in me is that it is an excuse to show someone how much you care about them. I'm as guilty as the next person in over spending on the holidays and birthdays. But there are several gifts that I would enjoy getting that don't hardly cost anything. A basic card is always nice and you can get one of the at your local discount store for usually under a dollar, or you can make your own. Another great idea is just take me on a walk, hold my hand and lets just walk and talk. Rent my favorite movie and share some popcorn with me while we watch it. These are all great ideas that don't cost over $5 and would make me very happy.

However, my favorite birthday present that would come from my partner would be a night of great sex. Sound selfish, maybe but after all it is my birthday. After all the cake and guest are gone, I want to know how special I am to my partner. Again this won't cost you an arm or leg. Don't make it your normal sex night do something different. Find something that maybe you wouldn't do every time you make love and perform that act on your partner for their birthday or a special occasion. Some ideas might be wearing a costume or a little role playing. Maybe there is something you partner love that you do and it's not your favorite. Well do it on their birthday, think about it that way you only have to do it on that special occasion and it will seem that much more special to your partner. Another idea might be to branch out a little search the Internet or pick up a book on sex that breaks from the norm a little. Be adventurous maybe tie your partner up, or use a sex toy on them, or even try a different position. You can find books and information on anything you want to try at Amazon or by searching the Internet. Just make sure after you perform what every action you decide on your partner, to say "Happy Birthday." Who knows maybe that was their wish when they blew out their candles.

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