Friday, April 24, 2009

The Hook Up (We like to call it Lunch)

The work days can seem long and tiring. I suggest, if possible, that you take time out of your work day to have lunch with each other as often as possible. I understand sometimes it is just impossible as work schedules might not match up or the logistics might be to far out of the way. If that is the case make sure to find days when you or your partner are off work and plan out a lunch for the two of you. You don't have to go to an expensive restaurant. You can even through a picnic together to eat in the park, nearest to your workplace. The point is the little extra effort helps show your partner that you would love to be spending more time with them, and that you will take a little bit here and a little bit there. Always be understanding if you call your partner up to surprise them by meeting them for lunch, because they might not be able to attend lunch with you on that day. Never make your partner feel bad because they were unaware you were wanting to spend lunch together. If this happens make arrangements for dinner, when you get home. Always have a back up lunch planned. Sometimes lunches need to be cut short so don't expect your partner to be able to spend an hour at lunch at the spur of the moment. When you finally get to lunch make sure to spend the time with each other not on your cell phone or complaining about the plumber, that only leads to stress. Put your phone on silent, and talk about your interests or how their work day is going. If you find yourself wondering what to say, bring a few old photos of your past vacations and remember those days over your lunch.

I understand the purpose for lunch is to eat but it can also be an enjoyable time to spend with your significant other.

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