Saturday, June 6, 2009

Take a nap togehter

There is something special about falling asleep together. Next time you have nothing to do just snuggle down together. Pick a Sunday afternoon or any day you don't have an agenda and just take a nap together. There is comfort when you are in the arms of someone you love. A feeling of safety helps make this a great nap. For me one of the best parts of napping together is touching each other. Not to be out done is the great feeling you get when you wake up and see that special person that is in your life beside you.

Not a napper then let your partner take a nap while laying on you. Watch some sports or a show and just let them dream away. Let your hearts beat together for a while and enjoy the closeness. Caress their hair, rub their back, and hold them tight, because the everyday hustle and bustle of life will soon be back.

(Photo by Janesdead from flickr)

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