Friday, September 18, 2009

Abundant Love

Sometimes we forget that our love is one of the most important feeling we have. It makes us do things we might not normally do. When we need a shot in the arm our partner is the one we need it from and it comes in the form of love. Sometimes it work in mysterious ways and we don't even know it. Have you ever done something nice for your partner and not wanted any praise for it? This is a true sentiment of your feelings. Try it sometime and see where it gets you. Slip some money in their purse or wallet and let them find it sometime, or bring home their favorite meal without asking, you could even clean their car while they are gone and maybe they won't even notice but you have the satisfaction of knowing you did something nice for your partner. Believe me this has a great way of returning to you, think of how you will feel when you find something your partner has planet or done for you without your knowledge. In this matter you love become so abundant and spread through out your whole relationship and universe. Love is something that only grows bigger the more you give it away so give away a lot and you will be loved more then you ever dreamed.

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