Friday, September 18, 2009

Sleeping Together (and I do mean sleeping)

You know what I find very sad? I know several older couples that sleep in separate beds. Some that even sleep in separate rooms. What happens in a relationship when you end up sleeping apart and or in separate rooms? What type of relationship is that? In my opinion, being close and touching while you sleep is a way to recharge your relationship. The security that your partner is close and the feeling you get when he/she touches you should be something you crave in a relationship. Cohabitation is not a option in a relationship. Why would anyone want that? I have heard many reasons: he moves too much, he snores, she keeps me awake, I want more room, and on and on.

Well, I think that with time a couple's sleeping and moving patterns become adjusted to each other. I think that your movements while asleep are routine and that sleeping together you get in sync with each other. Now, if you resist this then you might have trouble sleeping with your partner, but if you think of all the positives you might think of it a little differently. Think of the way he/she smells and the feel of his/her skin.  Think about how much you love to feel your partner's touch or that if you want to get a little frisky your partner is right there.

The warmer summer months make it a little tougher to sleep all snuggled up, but it is great in the winter.  Shared body heat can help you stay as warm as you want.  The next time your partner is asleep look over at him/her and think about how peaceful he/she looks.  Snuggle up and enjoy the blissfulness of slumber cuddled up to your beloved partner. 

1 comment :

  1. I don't know...after 20 years of marriage we still sleep in the same bed but his snoring makes sleeping in separate rooms appealling!
