Thursday, September 10, 2009

Different Views

Have you ever noticed how people perceive things in different ways? Like one person finds sweaty people sexy while another things that when you sweat it is just gross. It makes you wonder why we can be so different. How can one person love to see women in stockings and another say they look like a street walker. This different view flow into our live at every angle. Art is a great example, some paintings appeal to me and some that I find not very good at all sale for hundreds of thousands of dollars. This makes me think am I missing something, is my perception off kilter. I think these is something you need to consider in your relationship. So when you partner asks you to wear something sexy for them or doesn't like the drapes you have picked out we don't become lost in our perspective. You will never be able to see through your partners perspective but understand it is okay for them to have a different perspective then you do. So next time your partner asks you to wear that nightie that you hate or to get really sweaty before you make love, you might have a little more insight and understanding. This doesn't mean it will change your perspective but it might help you please your partner. Understanding that they just have a different perspective is okay and that you don't have to always cater to their perspective but every once it a while is okay. Who knows you might like their perspective a little better if you try it.

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