Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Appreciation Day

Appreciation is something that we take for granted. Think about it for a minute, how often do you thank your partner for what they do? We all feel like we do so much and the no one can possibly do as much or be as tired as us. Run through your partners day sometime and see how busy their day is. I am sure once you go through everything they do, you will see that their day is just as busy as yours. We need to appreciate their actions and what they do, sure we can sulk and say, "Well they don't appreciate what I do." That however will only lead to neither of your appreciating each other. Break the cycle and give them a big kiss the next time they take out the trash or cook supper. If you have trouble finding something to appreciate them for all you have to do is think of something they do that you don't have to. Things such as chores around the house or doing something for you children maybe it is something as little as letting you sleep in a little. I am sure that once you start looking you will find a great deal of things to appreciate your partner for. Kisses and saying thank you are great ways to show appreciation, if you want to do more you could set up a sexy little evening for your partner, or get them some tickets to their favorite show or sporting event. Taking them out of a wonderful date would be great for any appreciation. Now the next time you want to criticise them about something think about all they do for your relationship and forget that negative thing a focus on a positive one.

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