Monday, November 9, 2009

Don't judge sexual past.

One of the biggest mistakes I think couples make is letting each other know to much about their past relations. Besides when you decide to be fluid bonded with a person or want to have children the sexual past of the other person shouldn't matter. What is their to gain by knowing who your partner had sexual relations with before you. It only adds for conflicts during your relationship if you encounter these people. Unless you are childhood sweethearts that never dated anyone else chances are pretty good that your partner has had sex with someone else before they were involved with you. That doesn't make them love you any less or make them desire that person over you, it just means it was a learning process. Do not press your partner for past details of his/her sexual past and don't ever compare your current sexual experiences to those you have had in the past. Everyone is different and part of the fun of being in a relationship is learning what each other enjoys. You have to understand that your partner didn't start living the minute the two of your met. Past relationships have no bearing on your current one unless you let it. Keep you sexual past to yourself and don't expect your partner to share it with you, if you let them these past sexual experiences will haunt you and make your current relationship a struggle.

1 comment :

  1. I couldn't agree more! The small satisfaction you may gain from telling is not worth the potential damage that may be done. If you think about it, why would you want to know about your partners old sex life?
