Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Laughter IS the best medicine.

Have you ever been troubled by something so much that at some point and time you just burst out laughing? For some unknown reason at a really unusually time you start to chuckle with any control over it. This is your body telling you to lighten up. Sure what ever the problem is will need to be taken care of but you can't make yourself sick over worrying about it. This is where you as a good partner and lover take over. If you partner is feeling down about something you need to bring them up with some laughter. Make fun of the situation or crack some jokes, while this might not make things better it might open the persons mind to find a reasonable solution. When you think negative, negative things happen. You could also go out to see a funny movie or visit the local comedy shows anything that would make people laugh. Heck if you don't have any money then get on youtube and find some hilarious videos of people being stupid, they are all over the place. Believe me once the person gets some good laughter in the problem will be put in a new light. You being a caring and considerate person can help you partner when you see this happening, so break out the rubber chicken and practice your jokes.

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