Sunday, January 3, 2010

Get out in the cold, so you can warm up together later.

Even though it is winter time for most of us there are still plenty of things for couples to do outside. You can always dress up really warm and go for a exhilarating walk in the cold air. Snow skiing is another way couples can pass the time outside and there are several forms you can participate in. Your normal down hill skiing, sledding, tubing, and cross country skiing are just a few activities that can get the two of you outside, with being able to be together. Building snowmen, making snow angels or just challenge the local kids to a snowball fight. Just make sure to dress warmly and enjoy each others company. Now after you spend all this time out in the cold air, you are going to need to warm up. What better way then to snuggle up together in front of the fireplace sipping hot cocoa while you touch each other. At this time of year nothing is more romantic then enjoying a warm fire with the person you want to be closest to.

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