Saturday, January 2, 2010


I had a reader respond that they were a little miffed with their husband and the gifts they he purchases for her for their anniversary, birthday, and Christmas. Her concern was that she got things that were useful instead of things that were sentimental. I hate to generalize because everyone is different but most men like getting things that they will use such as sports equipment, tools, or electronic devices. This flows over into their own gift giving ideas, while you think a sweeper would be a horrible gift, in the typical man's mind a new sweeper would be great as it would help get things done better and faster. Men don't on the surface think about how sentimental gifts can be. Plus they don't listen very well when you are dropping hints. If you say "Oh I like that" as you pass something in the mall, he thinks you just kinda like the item and doesn't store it into his memory bank. Women if you want your man to really know what you like you need to be very straight forward. Lead them over to the item and make them look at it with you for a while, then say "That would make a lovely gift, I would love to have it someday" Now you man will store that as a direct gift to give you. Ladies watch how your man looks at things he wants to have, it is very clear when he wants something, you have to be that straight forward with him. Once you get him thinking about getting you presents that don't have a purpose then you might begin to see him branch out and start doing a better job of pick out presents on his own. One last note, when you do get something that you truly want, make a big deal about it, cry, jump up and down, hug and kiss him with passion because those are images he wants you to do when he gives you a gift. This will make sure the next time he goes out to get you a present, he will be looking for one that gets the same reaction. If a vacuum is what you really want however try to contain yourself when you open it because if you go crazy, you might just get a new model of vacuum every year.

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