Monday, December 28, 2009

Underwear don't Forget about it.

One trap you don't want to fall into when you are in a relationship is forgetting to be sexy. One of the easiest ways to forget this is by not caring about the underwear you put on. Tighty whities and Grandma Panties should never be worn when you have someone in your life that you enjoy being intimate with. I have never understood why once people are in a relationship that they let themselves slip into not being sexy for their partner. When you were dating did you wear underwear with stains on them? One of the first thing that people do when they start a new relationship is purchase new under clothes. Part of this is anticipating the first time you get to be together physically, but why should that stop once we get to know each other better? If you want to make your relationship last then you need to pay attention to areas that you might slip up in, like wearing nasty underpants. In my opinion their is no excuse for this action, yes you can wear these items to work or while you out with your friends but don't let the person you want to impress the most see this image.

1 comment :

  1. How very true, we do get lazy and forget to be sexy when we've been with someone for so long!
