Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Different Bed Times.

If you are like most couples you most likely don't go to bed at the same time as your mate. One of you will retire earlier than the other, while the other sits up and completes a tasks or maybe even just watches a game. This is not as bad as it sound, it gives time for one of you to get a jump on sleeping if you need it and it gives the other person some time to themselves. Both very valid reasons for having different bedtimes. However, my take on this is that those first few minutes when you lay down together are important for your relationship. It is a time to relax and unwind with each other and reconnect. It is my opinion that even though you both might not got to sleep you should snuggle down in bed together for a few minutes each night. I would suggest 15 minutes of time together with nothing but the silence and the two of you touching. Breath in each other for these 15 minutes. I say 15 minutes because that lets the person not wanting to retire yet not get to tired just relaxing and it doesn't take much of the time away from the person wanting to enter slumber. Kiss each other lightly and say I love you as the person exits the bed. Don't be offended by them not staying in bed with you, but be thankful that they love you enough to take the time to hold you as you get ready for your slumber.

1 comment :

  1. This can be a problem area for couples. Good advice! Ilissa Banhazl, mFT Glendora, CA
