Friday, May 7, 2010

Time to get a little unpredictable.

Everyone at some point or time feels like it the sex in their relationship gets a little predictable. The same things happen over and over you begin to form a pattern. Partially because you find out what each other likes and partially because your afraid to try some different things. There are so many different things to try out there that your sex life should never get mundane. Get on the internet or go to the bookstore together and find a book or two that might help you get our of the routine sex. Role playing is a great way to snap out of the normal and bring some excitement to the bedroom. Don't worry about being silly just do it be the plumber and the horny housewife, or the school teacher and student. Get some laugher into the bedroom. The great people at Sex is Fun have a new game out that challenges you to be unpredictable and by some great idea that is the name of the game. We here at The Couples Spot have produced our own way to get you out of your sexual rut and you can find our way buy Clicking her to go to our Sexy Challenges Page. Our challenges give you specific missions to complete that will get you closer intimately and make sure you score at the end of the night.

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