Saturday, June 19, 2010

Spur of the moment.

When is the last time you have done anything without putting lots of time into planning it. Vacations, shopping, buying groceries all require planning and lists so that we don't forget anything and make sure to cover all basics. Well I want to suggest doing something, anything on the spur of the moment. Suggest something to your partner out of the blue and then don't hesitate. Take a weekend get away on the spur of the moment. Throw some clothes in a bag and head out don't have a specific place to go just let the road lead you. Go to the movies and ask a stranger what movie they suggest and then go see that movie. Go shopping at a store that you have never been in before and purchase something. Put a little spice into your life, don't just sit around being bored get out and smell some roses. Life is only here for a short time, take advantage of it all you can.

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