Thursday, November 4, 2010

Healing Sex

If you have nagging problems that keep you just off you best, then sex might just be the answer. Many studies have shown that coupes that have what would be considered a wonderful sex life, tend to have less health problems then those that don't. Science tells us that it is because of the chemicals that are released during sex, they give us that boost to stay healthier and have less stress. However I feel that those are very valid points and I understand the effects of dopamine and oxytocin. My thoughts are that when we are in a special relationship with that partner we share more then just pleasure during intimacy. We share each others energy we share our qualities and we form a super connection. It think that this is why people who are sexually happy are not as sick as others. They have two peoples energy fighting off the things that annoy us. When you have passionate intimacy you carry part of our lover with you for a few days. Instead of losing part of yourself you both enjoy the benefits of carrying both your energies around. This is like a force field and protects you. That is why I feel couples that make love on a regular basis are guarded from the effects of these annoying things. Try it out and see what you think. If you make the commitment I feel you will soon start reaping the rewards plus it just feels good to.

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